Get ready to tear down obstacles of the mind and body.
At LVP Fitness, we focus on helping you perform at your best, feel your best for your entire life. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals. We work with you to better your performance while keeping within safe protocols that will maintain your health through the process. We also focus on ensuring your short term goals are positively impacting your long term life.
So start your journey with us today.
7am – 7pm Weekdays
9am – 1pm Weekends
St Joseph, Michigan
Meet the Team
Catie Brown-Busch
Founder, Trainer
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutritionist

Equipment Options
Battle Ropes & Pulleys
Suspended Ropes
Barbells & Bumper Plates
Free Weights
Plyo Boxes
Jump Ropes
Weighted Vests
Yoga Mats
Gymnastics Pull-up Bar & Rings
Ice Bath